19 January 2016
4240 Architecture has been striving to design environmentally sensitive buildings since the firm’s inception in 2003. As we continue to design toward a better built future, one of our most diligent environmental advocates, Marc Snyder, is leading 4240's charge to fulfill the AIA 2030 Commitment and the 2030 Challenge initiatives.
The AIA 2030 Commitment and 2030 Challenge are growing national initiatives that provide a consistent framework with simple metrics and a standardized reporting format to help firms evaluate the impact design decisions have on an individual project's energy performance. As a general measure in these initiatives, the fossil fuel reduction standard for all new buildings and major renovations must meet an 80% reduction by 2020, 90% reduction by 2025 and be carbon-neutral by 2030 over the regional average for each building type.
To truly rise to meet these energy reduction goals, we will apply the principles of sustainable design to every project from its inception and early design all the way through project completion and ongoing building operations. These commitments provide a framework to guide our sustainable design ambitions.
The Pavilion at Laurel Village is our most recent example of innovative, high performance design. It achieved LEED Platinum certification and the first campus in the world to receive the AASHE Stars Platinum level, "Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS®) is a transparent, self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance."
To learn more about The Pavilion at Laurel Village or our implemented strategies to meet this challenge, please contact Marc Snyder at msnyder(at)4240arch.com